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The Superkids 5k-Benefiting St. Jude

Sat August 15, 2020 Batesville, AR 72501 US Directions


Runner/Walker 5K

9:00AM CDT - 12:00PM CDT


850 North Hill Street
Batesville, AR US 72501



Join us for a 5k fun run benefiting St.Jude Children’s Research Hospital. We will be starting and finishing at West Elementary at 850 North Hill street. We will be running the Water Gun 5k route. The route will be marked at every turn so if you’re not familiar with the route, getting around shouldn’t be a problem.

Feel free to dress up as your favorite superhero, or wear any superhero attire to make this a themed race you don’t want to miss! 

Early Bird Registration is $20 (ends august 8th)
Late registration is $25 (up until day August 14th)
Day of race sign up is $30 (No T-shirt included)

Every participant that registers will receive a free T-Shirt, awarding your accomplishment and to show you helped support one of the best causes out there, St.Jude Children’s Research Hospital!!

* Restrooms will not be provided. Please try to use the restrooms before arriving.
* Please try to bring your own water. We will try to have some water bottles on the course but there will not be your typical aid stations you normally find at races. (Trying to cut down on person to person contact)
* Please consider wearing a mask pre race and post race. You do not have to wear one while running/walking.
*Please try to stay 6 feet apart from other runners, participants, and spectators. You can stay closer to those who came with you to the race.
*Please just try to use some common courtesy and adhere to the social distancing guidelines set forward by the CDC and Arkansas Department of Health.

We look forward to seeing all your smiling faces on race morning!!!!!!

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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