Phoenix, AZ US 85018
Start Time: 8am. Runners with an estimated 7:30/mile or less are encouraged to be at the front. Arrive as early as possible.
Race Info: The Cool Runnings 5K for Jamaica course starts and finishes along the canal at G.R. Herberger Park (Arizona Falls). The race is an out-and-back and stays along the canal. This is a flat course with no change in elevation.
Time Limit: All participants must be off of the course by 10 a.m. (2 hour time restriction).
Age Groups: 17 & Under and 18 & Over. The top three overall male and female finishers in each age group will receive awards.
How To Register: Online registration is available online at through Wednesday March 9th at 11:59pm. Cost: The cost is $30 (plus a $2.50 service charge). Limited registration is available on race day from 6:30-7:30am with a price increase to $50. Waiver: All participants must agree to the waiver provided in the online registration. Any participant who registers on race day will need to sign the waiver, show driver's license and/or have a parent/guardian present for minors.
Packet Pick-Up: All participants (who register online) are required to pick up their race packet at the iRun Shop (Arcadia Plaza, 4730 E Indian School Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85018). Packet Pick-Up Time: Thursday, March 10th from 11am-3:30pm and Friday, March 11th from 11am-5:30pm. Participants who wait until race day to register (cost is $50) will need to pick up their packets at Arizona Falls (located near the start/finish line) between 6:30-7:30.
Featured Premiums: All 5K entrants will receive a commemorative event t-shirt, on-course support, coupons to local businesses and post-race snack/water.
Parking, Restrooms & Accessibility: Parking and restrooms are available at G.R. Herberger Park (5802 E Indian School Rd). Additional parking (no restrooms) is located in the lot of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (3641 N 56th St). Additional parking and restrooms are also located in the lot near Starbucks at Arcadia Park (5549 E Indian School Rd). This event is handicap accessibile. Please be aware that a portion of the course is along light gravel and dirt. The course path is very narrow. Strollers and pets are welcome, but please stay near the back of the line.
Payments/Donations: All payments and donations will be processed by (with a $2.50 service fee for every $30). All proceeds will go to North Bible Church a 501(c)3 nonprofit. High school students from NBC will serve on a short-term missions trip to Jamaica with these funds. Their primary goal is show love to kids in orphanages as well as some building projects and community relations.
Learn More: Go to to learn more about the ways we will serve in Jamaica.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Great Race! Great Group Picture!
Thanks again for participating in the Cool Runnings 5K for Jamaica. Check out the group picture as well as the Overall Result of Winners!
Race Participant Survey
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