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Honor the Fallen 5K

Sun April 2, 2017 Tucson, AZ 85721 US Directions


University of Arizona Mall
Tucson, AZ US 85721


Welcome to the 3rd annual Honor the Fallen 5K Run/Walk. This 5K is organized and hosted by Arnold Air Society, an honorary service organization at the University of Arizona. This club is made up of Air Force ROTC cadets dedicated to community service. Each year, AAS holds the Honor the Fallen 5K in order to remember and honor fallen heroes, as well as fundraise for local community service organizations. The race is held on the University of Arizona Mall, where the USS Arizona Mall Memorial was just completed last December, which sets an atmosphere of remembrance and gratitude to those fallen heroes who came before. We look forward to seeing you at this year's event, as we run to honor the fallen.

Not only will your registration for this 5K get you a great t-shirt, but it will help support a great organization as well. This year, our 5K will be fundraising for K9s for Warriors, an organization doing great things for our veterans, as well as dogs in need. Learn more at

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