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The Big Run

Wed June 6, 2018 Tucson, AZ 85718 US Directions


5K Run/Walk

7:00PM MST - 9:00PM MST


Brandi Fenton Memorial Park
3482 E. River Road
Tucson, AZ US 85718


Ready to run in the biggest Fleet Feet Sports event ever? Welcome to The Big Run! 

On June 6, Fleet Feet Sports locations nationwide will hold a local 5K run/walk in celebration of Global Running Day. We want you to join us--why?

  • You get to join Fleet Feet Sports communities across the country!
  • It's on a Wednesday—who couldn't use a mid-week pump-up?
  • We know some people. And some pretty cool brands (cough, cough, Brooks). Let's just say, we're planning some fun raffle giveaways.  
  • FREE Chick-fil-A!

 No matter your speed or experience level, join us for The Big Run!

Run Contact Info

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