Race FAQ's
Race Bibs - Race bibs are provided for identification purposes and must be clearly visible from the time you arrive at the starting line until the race is complete.
Can you custom your race shirts? It's against our rules to race in any shirt other than our branded race shirts. We reserve the right to remove you from the race without a refund if you do not wear our shirt. However, you can dress up your outfit to suit yourself and you can cut your shirts as long as the race logo is still visible and you can attach you bib under it. The race is designed for fun, so make it as much fun as you want!
Will you get wet? We guarantee and promise you will get wet. You must have shoes on during the whole race. Safety First!
Will you be expected to lift anything heavy while doing the challenges? You will never be expected to lift anything that you are physically incapable of lifting. Just say the word if something is too heavy, we will adjust your challenge!
What is the minimum age to race? Racers must be at least 10 years old on the day of the race. This is not negotiable. At least one racer MUST be 18 and up if the racer is from ages 10-15.
Can people tag along the race course? No, you cannot have your friend, child, neighbor, best friend, aunt, grandmother... tag along with you on the race course. If they would like to cheer you along the racecourse they can sign up to volunteer. Each and every racer must follow the published racecourse. Short cuts or other diversions are not permitted.
If you cannot finish the race? Simply let a volunteer or Quadrant Captain know and they will send someone to pick you up and take you to your vehicle or call 911.
Team Size? Our race teams are teams of two (2). No more, no less.