Race Week Details
Please let us know if your questions is not answered!!! Email racedirector@solekids.org
Q: Where, when and how do I pick up my bib and shirt?
A. Thursday, Nov. 14th at at Shu's Idaho Running Company from 3 - 6 p.m. (1758 W State St, Boise, ID 83702)
A. Friday, Nov. 15th at at Payette Brewing from Noon - 8 p.m. (733 S Pioneer St, Boise, ID 83702)
Q: Is there a course preview??
A: Not this time. Unless you want to come out Friday and help us mark the course. That's always a good time.
Q: Where do I park on race day?
A: There is free parking just about everywhere. If you plan on parking at/around the Stadium, please expect to pay for parking much like all other events held at Albertson's Stadium. You can also be better prepared to pay using the Stadium's mobile app - https://parkmobile.app.link/SYLSYDYShR
Q: Where is Albertson's Stadium?
A: Alberton’s Stadium, 1400 Bronco Ln, Boise, ID. MAP LINK
Q: Where and when do I pick up my bib and shirt on race day?
A: Please know we do not offer race day packet pickup unless it's an extreme circumstance. In that case, we're happy to accommodate. Just email jamie@solekids.org and let her know.
Q: Where, when, and how do I check my gear?
A: Your cars will be nearby so this shouldn't be too much of an issue. However, you're welcome to check your gear at the BLUE SoleKIDs tent. Please place clothing only (NO VALUABLES) in YOUR bag, mark your bib number on the outside. The volunteers at the merch tent will have tape & markers for you to label your bags! When you finish the race, head back over there to collect your gear.
Q: What time should I arrive at the race site? (Please note that we recommend being early to avoid parking and/or typical race morning confusions and therefore a minimum of 45 min prior to race start.)
A: Half Marathon - Suggested arrival 7.45 a.m. Gates to the stadium will open at 8.00 a.m.
Q: Where are the start lines?
A: On the Greenbelt. At 8.00 a.m., come check out the stadium or stay warm in your car. At 8.25, go outside the stadium and look for the ICCU arch and find the race start.
Q: When does the race start?
A: 8.30 a.m.
Note: Sunrise is expected around 7.41 a.m. so it should be plenty light at the start.
Q: How will the course be marked?
A: The course will be well marked with NEON PINK SoleKIDs flags and directional arrow signs at each turn. We will have many monitors on the course. However, please follow the cone markings and signs before asking a monitor for directions.
Q: Where are the Aid Stations?
A: Half Marathon - 6 Aid Stations (Porta Potties will be at each aid station in addition to the normal Parks and Rec facilities.)
Q: Where are the toilets?
A: Half Marathon - At the Start and Finish and approximately every 2 miles along the course.
Q: Where is first aid?
A: We'll have an onsite paramedic and EMT at the Start/Finish with the ability to come find you out there on the course. Course monitors will have first aid kits, emergency contact information and will be on the course with even more direct access to emergency medical help. In case you see someone on the course who needs urgent medical attention, call 911, stop to assist the individual if they are not already being assisted, tell fellow runners to immediately contact a course monitor or police officer and stay with the individual until help arrives. Saving a life is more important than finishing a race.
Q: Will you have a timing mat at the start (chip start)?
A: YES!!! The timing company will have timing mats at the start/finish line. In keeping with USATF standards, the half-marathon awards will be based on GUN TIME. If you are a competitive runner, please start close to the front if you are competing for an award in the Overall division. The TOP three finishers(male/female/non-binary) for the half marathon will receive an award.
Q: When will you post results?
A: The timing company will post live results, so you'll be able to see your UNOFFCIAL finish time almost immediately on your smartphone. Official results will take longer to process and post, since the timer will need to resolve various issues which are bound to crop up.... we think that's how it's supposed to happen.
Q: Where and when are the Awards Ceremonies?
A: Boise Half Marathon Awards will start at approximately 10.30 a.m. on the field.
Q: Can I run with a baby jogger, or can I walk with a stroller?
A: Absolutely! We pride ourselves in family friendly events but please be mindful of how you may negatively impact other runners. No different than the folks who run 4-wide and block the route.. or the walker that gets in the front of the start.. or the dog walker with the 20 ft long leash.. etc. Just be kind out there.
Q: Can I run with ear buds?
A: While we wouldn't, to each their own and we're here to support you. We adhere to normal Greenbelt rules and there is no rule pertaining to ear buds. Please be careful of bicycles that zip along as they are moving fast. Also, the thought of enforcing that rule is gross as we don't touch ear buds. And PLEASE be able to hear when course monitors are talking...they help keep you running in the right direction!!!
Q: Can I run with my dog?
A: Leave your Buddy at home. While we normally allow our best friends with us, they are not allowed on the Blue Field unless they're trained to pick up the kick off tee. Yours is not.
Q: Who are the race directors of this event?
A: Glad you asked. SoleKIDs, INC. is a 501c3 qualified public charity that began in the Spring of 2017 by Jamie and Jonathan Stevens. Since SoleKIDs' inception they have hosted numerous 5K events, fun runs for schools and community fundraisers. Some highlights include helping raise more the 25K dollars for local area schools in the Boise, West Ada and Nampa School Districts. In Spring 2020, SoleKIDs received an award for being Idaho's top non-profit. In the Fall of 2021, SoleKIDs raised 10K dollars to help the fight against children's cancer. SoleKIDs founders are great believers in giving back to the community and that healthier communities are better communities.