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GO and TELL Virtual Run 2021

Sat June 12, 2021 Anywhere, CA 92562 US


GO and TELL Virtual Run 2021

9:00AM PDT - 9:00PM PDT


Anywhere, CA US 92562


Please join us on Saturday, June 12th for our first annual virtual run/walk!

All proceeds from this event will go towards opening the doors of the Masaka Business Institute, a vocational school for the youth and families in Masaka, Uganda. All you have to do to register for this event is sign-up through the button below, pay the $100 registration fee, and commit to walking or running some time during 9:00 am - 9:00 pm on Saturday, June 12th! It's that easy! The distance doesn't matter - whether you walk around the block or run a full marathon, we will be cheering you on!  

Please share this with your friends and family! Even if they can't participate on this day, they can still make a donation on your behalf to the Masaka Business Institute. To find out more about what this vocational school will do for long-term sustainability and educational opportunities for these young adults, see Masaka Business Institute (

On race day, we would love it if you would share a photo on social media about your walk/run and where you are located! You can tag us on facebook at: or through Instagram at: @goandtellglobal

Even though this is a virtual event, we can all be connected by our love for these precious children in Masaka! 

If you have any questions or need any more information, please call 406.579.4245 or email us at

Thank you for your support for this ministry and the future of these children! God Bless!

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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