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Crystal Spring Uplands School's 6th Annual GryFun 5K Run and 1M Walk

Sun April 19, 2015 Hillsborough, CA 94010 US Directions


5K Run

9:00AM PDT

1 Mile Walk

9:00AM PDT


Crystal Springs Uplands School
400 Uplands Drive.
Hillsborough, CA US 94010


Welcome back to another fun fitness and friendship-buidling event!

We want to thank you for registering to run or walk with us!  This fun, fitness, and friendship-building event is open to all members of the CSUS community (students, parents, faculty, staff), our surrounding neighbors, and friends.

We will begin our registration at 8:00 a.m., starts a warm up exercise at 8:45 a.m., then commence our race at 9:00 a.m.  Our race course starts at CSUS, journeys through the beautiful Hillsborough neighborhood, and ends at CSUS. Following the race, awards will be given to top qualifiers of the 5K runners.  We will also have raffle for walkers and teams.  Morning snack, brunch, and refreshment will be served until the event ends at noon.

Please bring family members, friends, and neighbors!  We look forward to seeing everyone there, and we wish all a fantastic time at our event!

CSUS GryFun Run Team

Important Registration Timeline

  • *  Registration Fee: Includes a GryFun Run performance T-shirt, entertainment, food, refreshment, and other fun activities. $23/adult, $18/student by April 16th. $25/adult, $20/student on April 19th (race day).

  • *  Online registration closes on Thursday, April 16, 2015.

  • *  For mail registration: Complete registration form, with your check, and mail to: CSUS, Attention: GFR/Tammy Stone, 400 Uplands Drive. Hillsborough, CA 94010.  
    - Please make check payable to: CSUS (please add "GFR" in the memo).
    - Please note: After Friday, April 10th, all paper registrations must be submitted in person to Tammy Stone in CSUS Athletic office.

  • *  For CSUS Faculty & Staff, the registration fee is waived. For online registration, please use promotional code "csusteacher" (no quotes).

  • Early Packet Pick Up: Saturday, April 18th, 2015, 10am to 2pm, at A Runner’s Mind, 1111 Howard Ave., Burlingame, CA.

Award Categories

  • *  Age group for male/female:11 and under, 12-15, 16-19, 20-30, 31-45, 46-55, 56+.
  • *  Overall group: CSUS staff/faculty, students, alumni.  
  • *  Raffles to walker, best costume, team...

5K Run and 1M Walk Course Map

Please click on link to view Course Map.


Sponsor/Donor Needed!

Many thanks for your generosity in advance!

Your donation/sponsorship is essential to assist us in defraying the cost of our event.  Funds received from sponsors/donors are used to hire a timing company, purchase T-shirts for race participants and volunteers, award, healthy morning snack, brunch, and refreshment, and other miscellaneous expenses.

If you'd like to support this event for our CSUS community, please kindly take a moment and fill out this Sponsor/Donor form.

Gold Sponsors: CSUS Gryphon Club, A Runner’s Mind, San Mateo Athletic Club, Jersey Mike’s Sub, Clear Optometry, Yea! Mac, Lam Family.
Silver/Bronze Sponsors: Feng Family, Cao-Liang Family, Chu Family, Yelland-Chu Family.
Other Sponsors: Mango Restaurant, Ducky’s Car Wash, 7-Up Bottling, Goetz Brother’s Sport, Costco, Target, Suruki Supermarket, Round Table Pizza, Star Buck, Cheesecake Factory, Counter Burger, Yogurtouille, Subway Sandwich, Big 5 Sport, Piazza Fine Foods, China Village, Noah Bagels, Candice Zumba, Kelly Yoga, Friedrich Family, Liu Family, Trieu Family, Newman Family, Pilpre-Hirose Family, Quartey Family.

Can You Help? Volunteers needed!

Your help is important to our Run's success!  Please take a moment to fill out this brief volunteer sign up form.  On race day, we will serve delicious healthy morning snack, brunch, and refreshment to energize you, and we'll provide you a complimentary GryFun Run T-shirt to let you know that we're in it altogether.  

Please also encourage your friends, family members, and neighbors to sign up to help too.  Thank you so much for your interest and involvement!

Photos from previous GryFun Run

Participants are baby in strollers with their parents, dogs with their owners, husbands and wives, students and teachers, and friends with neighbors...  All had a wonderful time!

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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