Lakewood, CA US 90713
Join us for the Lakewood YMCA Physically Distant, Running Together Virtual Run/Walk! This race caters to both the experienced runner and first time runners as well. Run solo on your treadmill, with your family around the block, or with your dogs at the park! Not a runner? Shake it out in your home or on your front lawn to your favorite jam.
We are looking forward to seeing you in person again, but in the mean time, let's get outside, get our heart rate up, and race our friends and family!
Here is how it works. You chose a day between Friday May 15 and Sunday May 17, pick a location that will allow you to respect social distancing guidelines, and time that works for your schedule to do the work! After you complete your chosen race, head over to our Facebook group, Lakewood Family YMCA, and share your race pictures or workout screenshot with everyone. You can also share on Instagram or Twitter using the hashtag #LakewoodYPhysicallyDistantRunningTogether. Be sure to tag @LakewoodFamilyYMCA if your post is private! Let’s celebrate what we can do and the health we have. #togetherapart
To check your results and general results, return to the event page to submit.
Top 3 finishers in each category will win a shirt!
Race Contact Info
Like this page and invite your friends on Facebook.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.