Beaumont ave
Loma Linda, CA US 92354
Hello all! Welcome to the virtual 5k you can do anywhere! Let’s walk, crawl, run or roll out of bed a bunch of times to get clucking! Before during or after your turkey meal, get with family and friends in the comfort of your own area, to complete this trot! Please wear your best “turkey inspired outfits” and take photos!!! Email me if you need to!
Why am I doing this?
We all know how important family is to us, especially around this time of year. Unfortunately, not all families will have the means to have the thanksgiving you or I might because of rationing for the day-to-day. I know a few families in particular.
I have decided to organize this virtual turkey trot in order to raise money for these families that have struggled for the past few years. I am sad to say, that they can barely obtain food on a regular basis.
what better way to fundraise and express how grateful we are for what we have, than by trotting along with the ones you call family.
My goal is to raise $5000. Donations are welcomed and I have also made shirts via a different site; information will be given for that as well. Thank you so much!
Race Contact Info
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Race Participant Survey
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