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June Conquered Quarantine

Sun June 7 - Tue June 30 Los Angeles, CA 90015 US


Los Angeles/Hawaii
Los Angeles, CA US 90015


As stay-at-home orders begin to lift, local businesses and non-profits adjust. However, the uncertainty still remains for most leaders and business owners. We've partnered with Bodhi Bowl and Be The Match Hawaii for June's Conquered Quarantine.

All participants who join any of our quarantine challenges and all donors will be eligible to win weekly prizes that include Sweet Enemy Clothing, Bodhi Bowl, and Calm Meditation gift cards, and Executive Race shirts. Participants and donors will also be able to access Conquered Quarantine workouts in June. 

Step 1: Sign up for Conquered Quarantine Hawaii to support Be of Match Hawaii or Conquered Quarantine LA to support Bodhi Bowl. If you're in a position to donate, A $20 donation includes participation in 8 workouts OR single donation of $7 per workout.

Step 2: Complete the 5k (3.1 miles) challenge between June 7-June 30 and post your time to the results tab on this page. 

Step 3: Join us for 2 virtual workouts a week HIIT Sundays at 12pm-1pm PST and CORE Tuesdays at 6:30pm-7:00pm PST. You will receive an email confirmation with Zoom links.

Step 4: Follow us on Instagram @executive.race or Twitter/Facebook @executiverace to get updates, features, tips, and more!

Step 5: Please share Conquered Quarantine with friends and family!

*If you prefer not to participate, you can make a donation on the donation page or Venmo @executiverace. We will upload your donations manually and you will receive an email confirmation with June's virtual workout schedule! Donations of $100 or more will receive a special gift!

We ask that you follow the guidelines from our public health agencies and maintain safe social distancing measures. Have fun and let's conquer quarantine together 🙂

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