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DB Winter Solstice

Sat December 21, 2019 Modesto, CA 95350 US Directions


4 hour

9:00AM PST - 1:00PM PST

6 hour

7:00AM PST - 1:00PM PST

12 hour

7:00AM PST - 7:00PM PST

DB Winter Solstice

7:00AM PST


3701 Litt Rd
Modesto, CA US 95350


If you got the invite to run this with us, we are excited to have you be a part of the event.  We are hosting a 4, 6 and 12 hour timed run around the one-mile bike path on the outside of Mary Grogan Park in Modesto.  We will have two aid stations with the usual snacks and a runner lounge with chairs for anyone needing to take a load off.  This event will feature several new elements for us.  First, we will be chip timing this event.  We have a pretty solid back up plan if that process fails, but we are taking that leap. Second, we are partnering with the city to pull this event off. Our end goal is to host a 24-hour event in the future, so we need to show them that we can be good citizens and play by the rules.  Lastly, this race will be about the run.  There won't be any beer on course.  I know that a few of you are probably reading that last line a few times, but it's true.  As this is our first year, we are looking for feedback and you have been selected as our guinea pigs!  We don't need anyone to remind us how amazing we are (hey, who doesn't already know that) so please think about what you would like to see done differently in the future.  The race fees that we are collecting are helping us to get this event off the ground.  We will have SWAG and medals but are still working all those details out.  Regardless of what we land on, know that this will be a great event and we appreciate your support!

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