Porterville, CA US 93257
When: Sunday, September 24, 2017, Timed Run 8am & Family Fun Run begins 8:45am
Where: City of Porterville Sports Complex 2701 W. Scranton Ave.
Porterville, CA 93257
Cost: Age 6-Adults $35 per Runner if registered by September 19th,
registration fee includes t-shirt, powder paint packet, and other gifts as available.
Registration after September 20th, 2017, must be submitted in person at the Monache High School Activities Window, late registration cost $50 per runner.
Go to to register today!
Come run or walk the 5k fun run with your family and friends while being drenched in a kaleidoscope of powder color(non-toxic cornstarch based color powder)!
Race Contact Info
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Race Participant Survey
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