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Inyo National Forest: Lake Sabrina Campout

Fri September 3 - Mon September 6 San Diego, CA 92135 US
⛺ Open to Active Duty E1-E6 Only ⛺


Inyo National Forest: Lake Sabrina Campout

7:00AM PDT - 10:00PM PDT
Open to ages 18 - 45.


1507 Rogers Road
San Diego, CA US 92135


Friday - Monday, September 3-6
$115, Active Duty Only, No Guests

Liberty Campouts are back! Encounter majestic 13,000 foot granite cliffs and beautiful Lake Sabrina while enjoying good food and good people.  Trip open to single enlisted and unaccompanied active duty members only! Cost includes in-camp food, equipment, campsite and transportation. Have questions? Call your base Liberty Center today!

NOTE: Additional information will be provided to registered participants in advance of the event regarding the suggested packing list and where to meet the van for transportation.  Please ensure your email and phone number is correct so we can contact you!  Please email us at with questions

Race Contact Info

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