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LAP Zion Weekend

Fri October 11 - Mon October 14 San Diego, CA 92135 US Directions
Liberty Centers and trips are open to junior Sailors, E1-E6, and active duty geo-bachelors, plus a guest 18+.


Active Duty E1-E6

8:00AM PDT - 7:00PM PDT

Sponsor Guest 18+

8:00AM PDT - 7:00PM PDT


VADM Martin Liberty Center 1507 Rogers Road
San Diego, CA US 92135


We're camping and hike at Zion National Park. Cost includes camping gear, in camp meals, Friday overnight hotel stay and transportation. We will be staying at Holiday Inn Friday night and leave next day at 8 am to Watchman Campground at Zion. Set camp and you are free to hike afterwards before sun down. Hotel rooms will be double occupancy.

***Please note that we will depart North Island at 8 am. Advise to submit leave chit to your command before registering.

Itinerary will be sent out 2 weeks prior to departure date.

Trip Contact Info

If you have any questions about this Trip, please contact the Trip director at

MWR Lilberty

Liberty Centers and trips are open to junior Sailors, E1-E6, and active duty geo-bachelors, plus a guest 18+.




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