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Tulare FFA Tinsel Toy Fun Run & Walk

Sat December 1, 2018 Tulare, CA 93274 US Directions


5K Run

8:00AM PST

5K Walk

8:00AM PST

1 Mile Walk

8:00AM PST


1553 Rutherford
Tulare, CA US 93274


The Tulare FFA and Tulare Outlet Center welcome you to participate the 2018 Tinsel Run/Walk! This run/walk will start at the Nike Store in the Tulare Outlet Center and run the course throughout the center and local area. We are excited to offer a 1-mile walk, 5K walk, and 5K run. 

Participants are asked to bring a new, unwrapped present to be donated to the Salvation Army in Tulare County to support children in our surrounding community. 

T-shirts will be provided to participants who register before November 10, 2018!

Event details and schedule

Packet pick up will be on Saturday December 1, 2018 from 7:00 to 7:45 AM. The 1-mile walk will begin at 8:00 AM and the 5K Walk/Run will start at 8:15 PM. Please bring a current ID to pick up your packet. If you will be picking up for someone else, please bring a picture/copy of their ID. 


Please wear Red and Green!

The course will start and end in the parking lot by the Nike Store, so parking in the Outlet Mall Parking lot in encouraged. 

The race will be timed by RTS Race Timing and medals will be awarded to the top finisher in each age category. 

Water stations will be provided on 5K walk and run trail.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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