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Arroyo Verde Park Loop Hike

Sun March 21, 2021 Ventura, CA 93003 US Directions



9:00AM PDT - 11:00AM PDT

Active Duty

9:00AM PDT - 11:00AM PDT
Open to ages 15 - 100.

Active Duty Dependent

9:00AM PDT - 11:00AM PDT


9:00AM PDT - 11:00AM PDT


9:00AM PDT - 11:00AM PDT


Foothill Road
Ventura, CA US 93003


Check-in: 9:00am 

Duration: 9:00am-10:30am

Location:  ARROYO VERDE PARK (Foothill Road, Ventura, CA 93003)

*To avoid paying the $5.00 daily parking fee, there is free street parking just outside the park's main entrance.  

Hike: Arroyo Verde Park Loop

Arroyo Verde Park Loop is a 2.3 mile heavily trafficked loop trail located near Ventura, California that features beautiful wild flowers and is rated as moderate. The trail offers a number of activity options and is accessible year-round. 

Minors under the age of 15yo must be accompanied by an adult

REMINDER: Bring water, wear sunblock, and a hat   

Water and a snack will be provided for all participants!

For more information contact 805-797-0086


 **Liberty Registration**

 Open to qualified liberty patrons only.  Liberty is defined as active duty single sailor (or airman) age 18-26, rank e1-e6,  and geobatchelors, currently assigned to NBVC. If your command requires approval to participate in events, you are responsible for procuring said approval before signing up.  By registering you agree that you meet the qualifications listed above. Anyone who signs up for a Liberty selection and is discovered to not be a liberty patron will have their spot in the event denied. Liberty events may include transportation from CoffeeNet with a max of 8 persons.**

Race Contact Info

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