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Foolish 5K 2020 - a virtual race

Thu October 1 - Thu September 30 Virtual, CA 00000 US

Foolish 5K


Anyplace, USA
Virtual, CA US 00000


Welcome, foolish mortals, to the Foolish 5K. This is your host, your Ghost host.  There’s no turning back now. 

Your cadaverous pallor betrays an aura of foreboding, almost as though you sense a disquieting metamorphosis. Is this haunted race actually virtual? 

And consider this dismaying observation: this virtual race has no official beginning and no official end… which offers you this chilling challenge: to run a way out!  Of course, there’s always MY way.


This spooky sprint runs throughout October and is a 5k run, walk, cycle or swim.  And this medal GLOWS IN THE DARK!  It's the perfect virtual race for all of you Haunted Mansion fans out there.

Please note you are paying to enter the virtual race.  The medal is a reward for completing your virtual race.

We think 5K is the perfect distance to keep you active in autumn.  It is the perfect distance for beginners and seasoned runners alike.  All you need to do to earn this fun and spooky medal is sign up to run the Foolish 5K and complete your virtual run anytime in October!   This can be all in one go, or split up over a few days. This race is perfect for kids (and big kids alike!) so why not get the whole family involved! 

Race Contact Info

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