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VIRTUAL Walk for Survivors

Sat May 16, 2020 Colorado Springs, CO 80921 US
Fundraiser for Bakhita Mountain Home


1 Mile Walk (Prior to Virtual Walk)

7:00AM MDT - 10:00PM MDT

1 Mile VIRTUAL Walk

7:00AM MDT - 10:00PM MDT

Walk Website

Additional Walk information can be found at


At any location you choose; Be creative!!
Colorado Springs, CO US 80921


Fundraiser for Bakhita Mountain Home; A residential community where love heals, restores, and empowers women impacted by human trafficking.

Walk Contact Info

If you have any questions about this Walk, click the button below.

Virtual Walk

As the announcement came in that District 38 will be closed for the rest of the school year, we have officially transitioned our Walk for Survivors on May 16th to a VIRTUAL walk. If you registered for the Walk, which was to occur at Palmer Ridge High School, you will automatically be registered for the Virtual Walk. You do not need to register again.

To adhere to Governor Polis’ #stayathome procedures and guidelines, we encourage you to do the 1 mile virtual walk in any creative way of your choosing.

Simply use the hashtag #bakhitawalkforsurvivors in your social media posts or email us your selfies and pictures to:, so we can share them in our BMH community. By joining us in this Virtual Walk and donating to Bakhita Mountain Home, you are supporting a residential community where love heals, restores, and empowers women impacted by human trafficking. Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to your support!


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Walk Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your walk experience.

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