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SOAR @ Greenvalley Ranch, Denver Virtual Run for H.O.P.E. 5K or 10K

Mon May 11 - Mon May 25 Denver, CO 80249 US Directions


Where Ever You Are
Denver, CO US 80249


Community Event to support and encourage our students and families in the Denver Public Schools and Charters to stay physically active while engaging in a community event while continuing to shelter in place.

 H.  Home-While we continue to shelter in place, socially distance and protect ourselves and our community from COVID pandemic

O.  Oriented-Toward our greater Vision and cultivating our 5 habits of Compassion,Respect, Responsibility, Perseverance, and Integrity

P.   Physical-Focus on keeping our bodies, as well our mental and emotional states healthy during this challenging time.

E.   Education-Continuing to grow, learn, and heal as a community as we overcome this challenge together.

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