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The Fast and the Curious 5k/10k

Sat June 12, 2021 Durango, CO 81301 US Directions


Free Shirt Until 5/26

5k Challenge

8:00AM MDT - 11:00AM MDT
Free Shirt Until 5/26

10k Race

8:00AM MDT - 11:00AM MDT

Kids Fun Run 5k

8:00AM MDT - 11:00AM MDT
Open to ages 4 - 15.

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


701 Camino del Rio, Ste. 301
Durango, CO US 81301


A Fun Run with Brain Games

Run fast or think faster in this fun run benefitting the Durango and Cortez Adult Education Center and its mission to fill educational gaps and leverage individuals into living-wage careers, post-secondary education, and social and economic mobility. 

Competitors in The Fast and the Curious fun run will trace an out-and-back 5k or 10k route along the city's scenic river trail. Simple as it seems, vanquishing this event requires a clever combination of brawns and brains. In order to nab a fastest finisher prize, participants can run fast or think faster. Either they can blaze a trail or trot along and then, at the end of the route, participants have the option to shave time off their finish line results by correctly answering quiz questions drawn from the GED and citizenship tests our students regularly encounter. 

This run's concept was inspired by our organization's dedication to education plus a slew of recent publications underscoring the reciprocal link between physical health and mental well-being. This link is proving crucial as society emerges from the physical and mental restraints resulting from repeated pandemic lockdowns. 

What better than a fun run with brain games to jumpstart our community's recovery?


Race or Walk?

This fun run features three options designed to suit runners (and walkers) across many ages and ability levels:

Run or walk the 5k Challenge. Either way, shave time off your finish line results by correctly answering quiz questions after you cross the finish line.

10k RACE
Runners, on your mark for the 10k Race. Blaze a trail out and back, then decide if you have juice left to correctly answer quiz questions and trim time off your results. (Please no walkers on the 10k. We want to be good neighbors and respect everyone’s time on and access to the city’s river trail.)

Okay, kids! Time to show mom, dad, and Uncle Bert how it’s done! Give your best effort on the 5k fun run. Dare you answer challenging quiz questions to shave time off your finish line results? (Ideal for ages 10-15.)


Route Details

Runners will depart from the DAEC parking lot located behind Albertson's. Our lot conveniently connects to the river trail. From there, 5k participants will travel 2,250 meters south along the scenic, paved trail. Pass under Hwy 550 and cross the footbridge over the Animas River at which point, race guides will make sure you turn back and head north. Retrace your route for 2,750 meters, proceeding past the DAEC parking lot, crossing under the 9th Street bridge to reach the finish line at Schneider Park. Race volunteers will be waiting with your optional quiz questions. 

10k racers will also depart from the DAEC parking lot and trek south along the river trail for 4,750 meters. That distance will take you just past the former Vantif building. Race guides will be waiting for you as you cross a small drainage bridge (just before the big footbridge that crosses the Animas River). Double back here and proceed north, tracing your route back along the river trail for 5,250 meters. Proceed past the DAEC parking lot, crossing under the 9th Street bridge to reach the finish line at Schneider Park. Race volunteers will be waiting with your optional quiz questions.


You're Invited to the Finishers' Picnic

Following the race events, competitors are welcome to enjoy refreshments at the Finishers' Picnic at the park. Indeed, all supporters and rowdy cheering friends and family members are invited! Once all the race results have been tabulated, prize giveaways for the fastest runners and thinkers will begin! 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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