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Run the Rocks

Sun October 13, 2019 Morrison, CO 80465 US Directions


Run the Rocks

8:00AM MDT

Run the Rocks

8:00AM MDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


18300 W Alameda Pkwy
Morrison, CO US 80465


Run the Rocks is a one-of-a-kind road race and run/walk that combines the beauty of and history of Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre with a mix of rock and roll altitude. Pick between a 10K, 5K or fun run and enjoy inspiring views, challenging hills, local live music along the course and an iconic climb up the steps of the Amphitheatre to a cheering finish. All participants receive a finisher medal, t-shirt and race bib and a beer at the end. Proceeds benefit the American Lung Association's efforts to improve Colorado's air quality and fight lung disease.


Race Participant Survey

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