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Fleet Feet Sports Hartford Presents the Weight Watchers® Walk-It Day 5K

Sun May 22, 2011 East Hartford, CT 06108 US Directions


Mortensen Riverfront Plaza next to the CT Science Center
East Hartford, CT US 06108


Celebrate the completion of the Weight Watchers® Walk-It Challenge on Sunday, May 22, 2011 by participating in a noncompetitive 5K walk presented by Fleet Feet Sports, RRCA, and Weight Watchers®. Due to flooding, we have moved the location of the Walk-It 5k by 1/2 mile.  The start/finish is now at Mortensen Riverfront Plaza next to the CT Science Center.  The course includes crossing the Founders Bridge which provides a great view of the city!


Race Contact Info

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T- Shirts

In order to guarentee a t-shirt for the event, you must register by April 22nd. A limited supply of shirts will be available on the day of the event, however will only be on a first come, first serve basis, so register TODAY!



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