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NMFAC Miles for Meals 5k

Fri May 22 - Sun June 7 New Milford, CT 06776 US



130 Grove Street
New Milford, CT US 06776


New Milford Fitness & Aquatics Club is hosting a virtual 5k run/walk to benefit Camella's Cupboard, a charitable organization with a goal of providing all children in New Milford, CT with year-round food access. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of families utilizing Camella’s Cupboard has tripled and nearly quadrupled.

Even as our state slowly re-opens, there are many that are still out of work, working significantly fewer hours than before, and many children are home full time without access to school breakfasts and lunch. Camella's Cupboard will begin their summer program with 3 times the number of children they’ve ever had before.

For those of you who can help, we’d love for you to join us for our virtual 5k run/walk! You'll receive a personalized running shoe tag with #quarantine5k stamped on it and we will be donating the proceeds from the race to Camella's Cupboard. Signups will begin on Friday, May 22nd and run through May 31st. For those of you who are members of the gym, you will be able to pick up your running shoe tag "bling" in June after we open. For those who would like their running shoe tag mailed, we will be happy to do so. 

If you would like to be part of race results, your race must be completed by June 7th. Email your name, age and time to Mike at by June 8th at the latest, and he will compile the results. We will also share the race on our event page for NM Fitness & Aquatics Club on Facebook. You can share your accomplishments as you finish your race...leave us a comment or a screenshot from Strava! 


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