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11th Annual Saybrook Point Virtual 5k Road Race 2020

Sat August 15 - Sat August 29 Old Saybrook, CT 06475 US


Across our Globe, hosted by Old Saybrook Chamber of Commerce
1 N Main St.
Old Saybrook, CT US 06475


The Old Saybrook - Westbrook Exchange Club and The Old Saybrook Chamber of Commerce partner together annually to raise money for The Exchange Clubs A.C.E. (Accepting the Challenge of Excellence) Award and The Old Saybrook Chamber of Commerce C. Wilfred Hunter Memorial Scholarship for deserving college bound seniors from Old Saybrook and Westbrook High Schools. In light of our current situation we are excited to create a Virtual Race which will take place over a two week period in August.  What's so exciting about this year is the opportunity for participants to join us from all over the globe as well as expanding the race opportunities to select the category that suits their competitive nature. 

Race Contact Info

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