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March For Matthew 5K 2021

Sat October 23 - Sat October 30 Plainfield, CT 06374 US


P.O. Box 423
Plainfield, CT US 06374


March For Matthew 5K was created in tremendous honor of my beloved brother, a son, a grandson, a nephew, a cousin, a uncle...Matthew Scott Tillinger. He meant the world to all of us. And we will forever keep him in our hearts with the endless love and memories that we shared together. 

Matthew's life was abruptly cut short at the young age of 21 from an aortic dissection in 2013.
Our mission for March For Matthew is to raise awareness in Aortic Disease- especially in young adults. Our hope is to raise awareness in checking your own family history, preventing, imaging, pain and risk factors, and genetic syndromes that can all contribute to aortic disease. Aortic Disease can definitely be fatal, however it does NOT have to be a death sentence as becoming more aware and knowledgeable can save a life. If we could help save at least one life and tons of heartache, it would mean the world to us. 

We miss our dear Matthew more and more as the years gone on. This will be our second year holding our event virtual because of our current times and to keep every one feeling most comfortable and safe while still being part of something that our family does to not only help spread the awareness but also to heal, honor, and another way of many to keep his memory alive. To also share, that something like this can go unseen until it's too late and it does not have to be like that. My brother was in the hospital waiting for far too long, but if the "professionals" would have known the severity of his situation, receiving that urgent care and a surgery could have potentially saved his life...and maybe he would've been here today. I will not lie and say I do not day dream about him still being here often. 

Last year, we raised $1,300.00 just by holding our race virtually. We were so grateful, especially with the extremely hard time we have all been dealt with. It's a true blessing to know so many good and supportive people. We will forever be thankful to that. Our current hope and plan is to be back at the Plainfield Town Hall in person next year, we miss seeing everyone and feeling that collective of support of so many people running by our side for the same cause- Matthew and Aortic Health. 

This year, we will be choosing a special spot to run/walk with our family like we did last year. YOU can do the same! Although we will miss everyone, that is the one cool thing about having a virtual race. There will be trails and routes walked/ran from so many different places all for the same cause. Perspective is key in everything in life. For that, we are forever grateful. Thank you all for your support. 

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