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Run for Wildlife Series - Prospect

Fri August 19, 2022 Prospect, CT 06712 US Directions


Run for Wildlife Series - Prospect

7:00PM EDT - 8:00PM EDT


61 Waterbury Road
Prospect, CT US 06712


Please join us for a 2-mile looped course around Hotchkiss Field to benefit wildlife in Connecticut! All profits from the run will be used for the care and protection of wildlife. Being a licensed wildlife rehabilitator is a volunteer position that receives no funding from the state or town they are located.  The existence of wildlife depends on donors and sponsors.

Check in will begin at 6:30pm and the run will begin promptly at 7:00pm. Cost is $15 online until 8/17 and $20 day of. If signing up day of, please bring exact change. Online registration closes at 6pm on 8/17/22. We are sorry, but no refunds are offered. This race will be hand timed and start in the town of Prospect. Leashed dogs are allowed and welcomed!


The Run for Wildlife Series is a developing series of timed fun runs taking part in the state of Connecticut. All runs will be annual, and we will continue to add more locations as time goes on. Because we consider these fun runs, this will be a bare bone, no frills run. There will be no swag, bibs, awards or food/drinks to help raise as much possible for the animals. There will be a table set up for runners to bring personal water bottles and set to pass at the finish and one mile mark. Limited bathroom facilities will be available. 


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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