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It is important to note that ALL participants must complete the registration process to compete in any Corporate Cup event. During this process, it will prompt the participant to create a RunSignUp account if they do note have one already. We are asking teams to please ask their employees to use their company email when registering and creating their account, so we can easily identify them as an employee for your company. Team Captains will have their own team specific access code and registration link that they can share to their employees from their team home page.


Employees can register for their company team and events by:

1.      Clicking the registration link that the team captain will send to employees.

2.      Employees can also register for events by clicking on the EVENT INFO tab located on the top right of the page

  • a.      If you do not have the link, you can register by clicking “Join Team” on any teams page through the division tabs depending on which division your team is on.
  • b.      Once you click “Join Team” you will need to then enter the access code that your team captain will have.

                                                    i.     Access Codes – MUST include correct capitalization of letter(s)

3.      You will then proceed to create a RunSignUp account or logging into your account.

4.      Per roster availability by gender requirements, you will be prompt to select which event(s) you are registering for.

  • a.      Unfortunately all participants will need to register and go through this process for each sport individually and cannot register for multiple sports in one registration process. 

5.      After selecting the event you will participate in, you will be prompt to the waiver completion page.

6.      ALL participants must complete and agree to this waiver in order to participate in any Corporate Cup event.






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