Racejoy GPS Teammate Tracking

We are offering free tracking and cheer sending in the RaceJoy mobile App. If you carry your phone during the race, you can receive audio Progress Alerts as you complete the course. These are typically sent out at every mile. Also, people can track your blue dot move on a map and send you fun cheers! Download RaceJoy now to get set up!
1.Find Race: Click Featured Races to access the event you are doing.
2.Set Up Phone for Tracking: Click "I Want To Be Tracked" and follow the prompts carefully. If you are one of the few races where Bib Tag tracking is being offered in RaceJoy, you will need to click the PhoneTrak button to set up your phone.
3.Track Others: You can track up to 50 people by clicking on the participant icon on the upper part of the screen. Relay Teams need to add ALL team members to their list to receive team progress alerts.
4.Plan to Carry Your Phone: Participants must carry their phone during the race.
Race Day
1.Turn Tracking On: Click the green blinking button on Race Day. Tracking is activated 30 minutes before the race start time.
2.Click: Click START MY RACE/LEG as you cross the START LINE/LEG for more accurate progress alerts. This is optional. If you do not click START MY RACE, your start time will be based on mile one.
Relay Teams: select the leg you are completing and wait to click START MY LEG until you begin your leg. The first leg MUST click START MY LEG to receive team progress alerts.
Replay Race Day in Buzz: Click Buzz to review your alerts and replay cheers!
Relay Team How-To:
1.Team Set Up: All need to click "I Want to Be Tracked" upon initial set up. Follow the prompts.
-Select "Relay Course" option in course selection section. You may need to scroll down the course option list.
-Sign up with team or add team to list, if not shown. Make sure to select the correct team as many team names are similar.
-Add ALL team members to your participant list (this is required to receive team progress alerts).
2.Race Day: Select & Start Leg: Select Leg: Select the leg you are going to complete.
-Wait to click START MY LEG until you actually begin your leg. This begins the personal race time for that leg.
-If you are doing more than one leg, you will need to select each leg and click "Start My Leg" as you begin each segment.
If you do not click START MY LEG, then GPS tracking will still be available as long as you turn your tracking on. You just will not receive progress alerts for that segment.
Verify Proper Team Set Up:Click the More button on race page in RaceJoy.
-Click Profile: If you do not see your team name at the top of the screen, redo your setup by clicking your name and following the Team Set Up steps above.