Race Website
Additional race information can be found at https://raceroster.com/events/2016/7774/4th-annual-dchbcuaa-5k-run2k-walk-health-hunger-and-higher-education-community-fair.
Washington, DC US 20059
The health disparities that exist between African Americans and other demographic groups are alarming and have long-term consequences for quality of life and life opportunity. Heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer -- the four leading causes of death in the African American community -- are largely driven by lifestyle. To increase awareness and education about prevention of these conditions the Washington, DC Metro Historically Black Colleges and Universities Alumni Alliance, Inc. (DCHBCUAA) embarks on its annual HBCU Run Walk Health and Wellness Fair. This community health initiative and fundraiser aspire to educate on living well, with regular exercise and proper diet and draw attention to the barriers that many people in our communities face in making healthy choices. Proceeds support students who are interested in attending an HBCU in Health/Sciences fields of study.
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