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Race for Rez

Sat November 2, 2019 Washington, DC 20020 US Directions


The 1K

9:00AM EDT - 9:40AM EDT

The Bike Ride

9:45AM EDT - 12:01PM EDT

The Run/Walk (5 or 10 K)

10:00AM EDT - 12:01PM EDT


1500 Anacostia Dr SE
Anacostia Park Section E
Washington, DC US 20020


These Fun Runs

All of these events are designed to be sponsorable, with the goal that all proceeds benefit the Planted Campaign (more information on that below).  Each individual chooses the race that seems right for them, sets a fundraising goal - and finds sponsors to help them meet that goal!

  • 1 K - shorter distance as a chance to involve all of those who long to participate in the community fundraiser effort
  • 5 K - a classic distance to rally around
  • 10 K - a distance to really push oneself (don't worry though, walking breaks are allowed!) 
  • 10 K bike - for those who find the idea of running anathema, but could be persuaded to participate on wheels. 

Planted Campaign:

The Church of the Resurrection began in 2003 in the home of Dan and Elise Claire, and has been using rented church facilities on Capitol Hill since 2004. Started as a church plant that plants churches that plant churches, we have been instrumental in establishing ten new churches in metro Washington, the Shenandoah Valley, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, and the United Kingdom.  From the beginning, we have endeavored to be a teaching hospital church, providing learning opportunities for future ecclesial leaders. Many pastoral interns and residents have trained with us, and fifteen have been ordained.  We have shared Jesus with thousands of visitors through our services and welcome dinners. Because of our location, we serve those who will someday be leaders in churches and society across the country and around the world.

One of the challenges we face is finding a permanent home for our congregation. In the last ten years over 40% of church buildings on Capitol Hill have been sold and repurposed, mostly into luxury condominiums. We currently rent three separate facilities for our worship services and ministries.  We are seeking to purchase one property that will serve as a home for us and the generations to come. We are giving sacrificially and reaching out to friends and family to raise $1.83 million toward this purpose.

To Donate: 

If you'd like to support the campaign generally, or to donate in honor of a particular racer, please use this link. 

If that doesn't work, please feel free to copy/paste the URL: 


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at


Race Participant Survey

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