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Kingsburg Kiwanis Holiday Hustle

Sun November 29 - Sat December 12 Kingsburg, CA 93631 US


5K Run

Open to ages 13 - 109.

10K Run

Open to ages 13 - 109.

Kids Run (1 mile)

Open to ages 1 - 12.


Virtual Run
Kingsburg, CA US 93631


Join us VIRTUALLY November 29 - December 12, 2020 as we run to support Kingsburg Kiwanis Service Club.  Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world, one child and one community at a time.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


T-Shirt Pickup

1581 18th Avenue

Kingsburg, CA 93631

If you register by Sunday November 15, 2020 Shirts can be picked up

Mon-Friday 8-5 on November 30 thru December 11

Saturday December 12 from 8-noon

Registrations November 16-December 12th can be picked up after December 19th

Sorry for this inconvenience, we have just two T-Shirt print days.

Any shirts not picked up will be delivered if it is a Kingsburg address, all others will be mailed.

Kids Race is for age 12 and under


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