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Crossover For Change Spooky Season 5K

Sat October 26 - Sat November 2 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 US Directions


Donate to Crossover for Change

Donation Goal: $5,000

Cones: $40

Speed ladders: $40

Whistles: $50

Pinnies: $100

Router: $100

Dry Erase Boards/Markers: $150

Internet for 1 year: $180

Stopwatch: $200

Basketballs: $800

Laptop: $800

Uniforms for Teams: $1800

Camp T-shirts for 400: $2500


Raised of $5,000


Top Donors

$1,955 Raised By 19 Donors

$500 on behalf of Mark Morley and family
$200 on behalf of eric richter
$150 on behalf of Howery
$100 on behalf of Andrea Frazee
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Frances Tutt
$100 on behalf of Josephine Howery
$100 on behalf of Katherine Hovell
$100 on behalf of Lisa Voight
$100 on behalf of Sage Collins
$100 on behalf of Susan Bookspan
$50 on behalf of Beth Smith
$50 on behalf of Griffins
$50 on behalf of Kathy Benke
$40 on behalf of Karen Harding-Davis
$40 on behalf of The Owens Family
$40 on behalf of Vanessa Leiker
$25 on behalf of Veronica Day
$10 on behalf of Cole Schwaab

Donation Attribution

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