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Volunteers of America of Florida Steps for Vets

Sat October 26, 2019 Gainesville, FL 32609 US Directions


Steps for Vets 5k

8:00AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


1303 NE 23rd Ave
Gainesville, FL US 32609


According to reports in January 2018 by Continuums of Care to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Florida has an estimated 31,030 experiencing homelessness on any given day.  This is why Volunteers of America of Florida proudly engages Floridian Veterans and their families in need to create positive life changes through affordable housing and compassionate support services.  As the largest provider of Transitional Housing for Veterans in the State of Florida and one of the top 3 largest providers in the Country, Volunteers of America of Florida believes all Veterans and Floridians deserve to enjoy a life of independence.  However, funding for those life changing services & housing dwindles each year.  You can help homeless Veterans and families receive the support they need by signing up for Steps for Vets 5k today! 

Proceeds will benefit nonprofit Volunteers of America of Florida which provides housing stability, case management and many more positive life changing support services to Veterans, families and Floridians in need.

Thank you for changing Veteran’s lives!

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