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Cooter Zombie Run

Sat October 27, 2018 Inverness, FL 34452 US Directions


Cooter Zombie Run - Runners

6:45PM EDT - 7:30PM EDT

Kid's Zombie Gauntlet - Free

6:30PM EDT - 7:00PM EDT
Open to ages 1 - 11.
Wanna be a zombie and chase runners?

Cooter Zombie Run - Zombies

6:45PM EDT - 7:30PM EDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Registration Pavilion, Liberty Park 286 N. Apopka
Inverness, FL US 34452


Cooter Zombie Run
Saturday, October 27, 2018


• 4:30 p.m. Registration
• 6:30 p.m. FREE KID Zombie Gauntlet
• 6:45 p.m. Cooter Zombie Run
Winners are announced after the race from the stage.



Registration Pavilion, Liberty Park 286 N. Apopka, Inverness, FL
Pre-register $20 by Friday, Oct. 26, 2018
In-person day of event $25
Liberty Park 286 N. Apopka, Inverness, FL 34452

Ages 12 and under - $ 10.00 discount.
Children 11 years and younger may enjoy a free sneak peek at the Gauntlet of the Zombies Run at 6:30 p.m.

Registration questions are sent to Citrus County Education Foundation
Email info /
or call (352)726-1931 X2240

The event will start and end at Liberty Park, 286 North Apopka, Inverness, FL 34450

1.5 miles

Inverness Event & Visitor Bureau & the Citrus County Education Foundation

• Zombie Medal (so cool)
• Race Bib
• Apocalyptic snack
• Award to the first male and female survivors to cross the finish line with one flag intact.

Come early! The 3-day Cooter Music festival is held October 26-28th and it’s all about the celebration of Inverness indigenous water turtle aka the Cooter. Enjoy Water shows, 7 bands, laser show, festival vendors, a Cooterween costume party and a carnival midway.


There will be zombies. There will be obstacles. There will be a start line, and a finish line, and the opportunity to avoid Zombies in between. Multiple routes may be available to reach the finish. Choose wisely. Use your wits and speed to get around both.

The zombie’s job is to eat you —But instead of consuming your flesh. They will be going after your flag belt! Three flags per runner. Your job is to make it to the finish line alive with at least one flag intact. The first male and female runners who cross the finish line with 1 flag win.  If you finish without a flag this means you are now part of the undead. Don’t worry. Even running corpses get a zombie medal.

ZOMBIES (fee based)

There will be human runners. There will be obstacles. There will be a start line, and a finish line, and the opportunity to chase runners in between. Multiple routes may be available to reach the finish. You have free reign to run all over the course. Catch the human’s health flags! The runner’s job is to avoid you —But instead of consuming their flesh. You will be going after their belt flags! You can only take one flag per runner. Your job is to make it to the finish line with as many flags as possible. Don’t worry. Even rotting corpses get a Cooter Zombie Medal!

Zombies will not physically contact any runner other than in attempt to pull a health flag.
• The undead are to never grab more than one flag from a runner.
• Direct physical contact (pulling, grabbing, pushing, striking, etc.) between zombies and runners will not be permitted. All of those in violation of this rule will be escorted off of the grounds without a refund. Those in violation may also be prosecuted depending on the severity of the act.
• You must obey your zombie referee (wearing black and white stripped referee shirts) at all times.
• Paid Zombies have free range and can chase runners anywhere along the trail (but can’t reverse or ambush humans). The can only take one health flag per runner
• Volunteer Zombies are never to run and chase down a runner and are located in the zombie zones only. They must keep one foot in their designated area. They may purchase a Zombie medal at the end of the race if they wish.
All zombies are encouraged to stay after the race and (passively) scare the crap of people at the Cooter festival

HEY ZOMBIES! Need make up?
Looking for super cool, super scary make up?
Contact Zombie Makeup Artist Jessica Dauss
to rock your inner zombie $ 5.00 - $10.00
Please contact her through Face Book page

Volunteer zombies: Show up at Cooter Zombie Registration by 4 p.m. for general make up. Note: Volunteer zombies do not receive medals, and will be placed at one of the zombie zones.



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