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Police Athletic League 5K

TBD Key West, FL 33040 US Directions


Police Athletic League 5K

9:00AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT

Race Is Postponed Until Further Notice

New Date: TBD

Race will be rescheduled when we understand how to better hold the event to ensure the utmost safety of everyone who attends. 

Here Are Your Options:

You understand that events are expensive, even when cancelled, and you want us to keep your registration fees to help cover our costs. We deeply appreciate your generosity and look forward to seeing you at an event soon.

We understand. We hope you can join us next time.


1320 Truman Ave.
Key West, FL US 33040


The Police Athletic League (PAL) is a recreation oriented juvenile crime prevention program that relies heavily on education, athletics and recreational activities to tighten the bond between police officers and kids in the community. The Key West Police Athletic League was incorporated in 1992, PAL has a long history of developing bonds between cops-n-kids.

MISSION STATEMENT: To provide local youth with focus and direction to help them become responsible citizens. To provide quality youth sports and educational programs designed to develop their skills, discipline, self-esteem, trust and respect. To create positive relationships between the youth, police and the community. 

This race begins and ends at Bayview Park @ the corner of Virginia St & Florida St.  

Race Contact Info

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