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St Vincent de Paul Walk for the Poor South Florida

Donation Goal: $10,000

Last year (Year Ended September 30, 2022) we had 1,418 members serving the poor and needy in
North Broward:

  • Helping 10,819 people;
  • In 11 separate locations in North Broward
  • Through 3,170 visits to homes, hospitals, and elder care facilities.
  • Providing $368,390 of financial support, food, other goods, and services to those in need, and
  • Volunteering 12,048 hours of their time

And yes, this was done almost 100% by Volunteers, meaning that 95.0% of the donations we
received were used to directly meet our charitable mission of serving the needy of North Broward.

Please help us serve the economically vulnerable of South Florida by donating what you can and spreading the word about our Walk for the Poor®.

To donate offline, make a check payable to Society of St. Vincent de Paul and mail it to your parish office. You can write "Walk for the Poor" in the memo field so your conference knows what you're supporting. Thank you!


Raised of $10,000


Top Donors

$2,651 Raised By 17 Donors

$1,200 In support of (choose "Other" to type name of parish) Gregory Gustitus
$200 In support of (choose "Other" to type name of parish) Diane Hebisen
$200 In support of (choose "Other" to type name of parish) St .Elizabeth Ann Seton Curch
$200 In support of (choose "Other" to type name of parish) St Elizabeth Ann Seton
$200 In support of (choose "Other" to type name of parish) St Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
$100 In support of (choose "Other" to type name of parish) Diane Hebisen
$100 In support of (choose "Other" to type name of parish) James Werle
$100 In support of (choose "Other" to type name of parish) ST MALACHY CONFERENCE
$100 In support of (choose "Other" to type name of parish) Yamile Rangel
$50 In support of (choose "Other" to type name of parish) Diane Hebisen
$50 In support of (choose "Other" to type name of parish) Gregory Karl
$50 In support of (choose "Other" to type name of parish) Joan Cardone
$50 In support of (choose "Other" to type name of parish) Maureen Pelico
$20 In support of (choose "Other" to type name of parish) JACQUELINE KADISH
$20 In support of (choose "Other" to type name of parish) Norma Leardi
$10 In support of (choose "Other" to type name of parish) Andy Shipe
$1 In support of (choose "Other" to type name of parish) Liam Alexander

Select a fundraiser to donate to a cause.


Donation Attribution

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