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Best Buddies Virtual 5K

Sun February 9 - Sun March 9 Dartmouth, MA 02747 US Directions


Dartmouth, MA US 02747


What if you woke up one day and felt sad and alone? You had no one to eat lunch with and no one to share your life with? There are 7.5 million Americans with intellectual disabilities – and 200 million worldwide – who are the most neglected and undervalued population in the world, and, as such, children with intellectual disabilities often grow up experiencing a life of rejection and isolation. Through Best Buddies, hundreds of thousands of people with intellectual disabilities have successfully moved from segregation and desolation to a new acceptance in their family and community. In turn, Best Buddies has created a new spirit of public service for thousands of middle school, high school, college, citizen and e-Buddies volunteers that will last a lifetime.

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