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The Real Deal 5K Run/Walk

Sun May 22, 2016 Standish, ME 04084 US Directions


5K Run

9:30AM EDT

5K Walk

9:30AM EDT


Standish Town Hall – 175 Northeast Rd (Rte 35)
Standish, ME US 04084


The Real Deal 5K is a memorial run/walk in memory of Kenny Coughlin.  Kenny was a dear friend who passed away in April of 2012 after a courageous battle with cancer.  Kenny worked faithfully and tirelessly for National Distributors for many years.  He will be best remembered for the unyielding passions in his life, his wife and sons always first, the Dallas Cowboys, 80’s rock and his friends. Kenny was also an avid NASCAR and NY Mets fan and enjoyed playing softball.  He truly was a supportive, amazing friend who touched the lives of many.  Kenny possessed an honest, determined spirit which will continue to live on in the deep bonds he formed among us.

A part of the proceeds from the 5K will go to the Center for Grieving Children in Portland which has been a huge source of support and assistance to Kenny’s wife Jenn and their boys Casey and Jacob.  The remaining proceeds will go to build a college fund for Jacob and Casey.  

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