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Musselman Preview Ride

Sat June 14, 2025 Geneva, NY 14456 US Directions

Musselman Preview Ride

Donation Goal: $2,000

The Geneva Center of Concern operates a Food Pantry which is vital to the well-being of needy individuals in the Geneva community. The Pantry is a primary source of food for needy families and single individuals of all age groups. In 2021 the Pantry distributed food on a scheduled regular basis to 4,643 families representing 12,126 individuals.  These numbers translate to providing 109,134 meals to needy families in our community.  Once again we have seen a significant increase in Pantry customers compared to 2020, demonstrating the critical need of many families to receive food.

The Pantry has been able to assist those in need because of the generosity of countless individuals, churches, agencies and companies who contribute gifts, food, donations and volunteer hours throughout the years. When contributing to The Center, you can be assured that your donations are going directly to those in need and are making a difference in the Geneva community.


Raised of $2,000


Top Donors

$30 Raised By 3 Donors

$20 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Jarrod Turner
$5 from Anonymous

Donation Attribution

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