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Shamrock Shuffle - Harmony

Sat March 15, 2025 Harmony, PA 16037 US Directions

Shamrock Shuffle - Harmony

The Shamrock Shuffle to Benefit the Zelienople Rotary Club, March 25, 2022

This annual event hosts a Half Marathon, 5K and 1 Mile. You can choose to run 1 race, 2 races, or compete in the triple challenge and run all 3 races.

The Half Marathon starts at 7:30 AM: A hilly half marathon up Textor Hill Road. This is a challenging but fun race with Jell-O Shots at the top of Textor Hill for those 21 and older.

5K starts at 10:15 AM: A rolling Hills 5K through the streets of Harmony

1 Mile starts at 11:00 AM: an out and back run through the streets of Harmony

Packet pick-up will be Friday, March 24 from 4:00 to 6:00 PM at Grace Church in Harmony, PA and Saturday morning, March 25 starting at 6:00 AM, packet pick-up will continue all morning for those participating in later races.

Thank you for racing.

Top Donors

$136 Raised By 11 Donors

$50 from Anonymous
$20 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Allison Norris
$10 on behalf of Amy Honhart
$10 on behalf of David Murray
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Nellie Zuba
$5 on behalf of Gypsy Dreveniak
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Laura Fascetti
$1 on behalf of Stephanie Haase

Donation Attribution

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