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Summer's End Solar Run

Sun August 20, 2017 Columbia, SC 29212 US Directions


Saluda Shoals' Summers End Series Solar Run 5k and walk-a-mile

5:30PM EDT - 9:00PM EDT
Open to ages 120 and under.


5605 Bush River Rd
Columbia, SC US 29212


Are you in town for the best viewing spot of the solar eclipse or are you just in need of a fun run before the big viewing?  Look no further than Saluda Shoals' and Fleet Feet Sports Columbia's Summers End Series Solar Run and walk.  This event will be held on a certified 5k paved trail course.  Runners and walkers are welcome.  There will also be a get-up and move mile walk as well.  Come and enjoy a family friendly event at an amazing park.  There will be vendors, adult beverages, and tons of fun.  Each registration comes with a shirt, for either the mile walk or 5k, a free pass to the park for all day, and a free ticket for a beer in our post-run biergarden (brought to you by Blue Moon).  Come join us and experience an amazing park with some great people from around the world all in town for this amazing event. 

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