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Miles for Missions 5K and Fun Run

Sat October 31, 2015 Ovilla, TX 75154 US Directions


5K Timed Run

8:00AM CDT

1 Mile Fun Walk

8:00AM CDT


Ovilla United Methodist Church
Ovilla, TX US 75154


Please join our scenic, family-friendly Miles for Missions 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run held each year at Ovilla United Methodist Church in Ovilla, TX. We are located about 20 miles South of Dallas in a quiet, rural community. All proceeds benefit our church missions - here, there, and everywhere.

We contribute locally to Meals on Wheels, Manna House, and North Ellis County Outreach (HERE). Adults and Youth participate in missions with UMCOR and CTCYM that provide relief and repairs to those affected by poverty or disaster (THERE). We sponsor missionaries globally (EVERYWHERE). These are just a few examples of the missions this run helps support.

For more information about our church and its missions, please visit our website at Follow us on our Facebook page

For complete details see the official webpage at


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