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Millbrook HS Third Battle Invitational

Sat October 19, 2019 Winchester, VA 22601 US Directions


Open 5k

9:00AM EDT

JV Boys Underclassmen

10:25AM EDT

JV Boys Upperclassmen

11:45AM EDT

Varsity Girls

12:25AM EDT

Varsity Boys

1:05AM EDT


251 First Woods Drive
Winchester, VA US 22601


Come out and run the Open XC 5k at Millbrook HS fast and flat XC course. You will get to preview the course before 1800 high school XC runners tear it open in competition later that same morning. Come out and race and stay and watch some of the fastest kids in the state go for PR's on this fast course. 

This website will also be hosting live (unofficial) race day results. Check Milestat later on race day for official results and team scores. 

$10 per individual in the Open Race and for accepted individuals in the varsity races, payable on the day of the race. You can sign up now and pay when you come to the race. Cash or checks!

Fast, meticulously measured 5,000m course on the historic Third Battle of Winchester Battlefield, located adjacent to Millbrook High School's campus. The course will run on a variety of surfaces including grass, dirt, crushed stone, and some small gravel. The course consists of mostly flat land and small rolling hills. The course runs through cut grass and wide public walking paths, and a beautiful wooded first mile. Racing flats or rubber-soled XC spikes are best suited for this course. We do not recommend plastic-plate track spikes due to occasional loose gravel.

Parking located at Millbrook High School.  Plan for a 0.6 mile walk to registration/start/finish area.

Head Coach, Kevin Shirk
Millbrook High School: 540-545-2800

Full day schedule:

8:00-9:00 AM Registration for Open Race Located at Finish
Packet/Chip Pick-Up
8:45 AM Coaches Meeting @ Finish Area
9:00 AM Open Race
9:45 AM Girls' JV Underclassmen
10:25 AM Boys' JV Underclassmen
11:05 AM Girls' JV Upperclassmen
11:45 PM Boys' JV Upperclassmen
12:25 PM Girls' Varsity
1:05 PM Boys' Varsity 
2:00 Awards



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