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Running to Infinity and Beyond

Fri December 20 - Thu February 20 anywhere, VA 20121 US Directions


5K Run

12/20 8:00AM EST

10K Run

12/20 8:00AM EST


02/20 8:00AM EST
Open to ages 100 and under.


anywhere, VA US 20121


This is a virtual race.  Thats right, you pick the time and location. 

The proceeds from this race will benefit a youth cheerleading team.  Girls on this team range in age from 9-12 years old.  This will help them to continue to compete this year and get them to The Summit (a National Cheer Competition).

Instead of doing the traditional bake sales and candy sales we decided to try something different and way more healthy.  These girls love to stay active so we thought we would pick an active way to raise money.  Lets all get out there and walk, run, jog, and roll to get these great little girls to a National Competition.

Each entry will recieve a beautiful "Infinity" finishers medal.


Race Contact Info

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