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Team Doogie's Cornhole League at Rusty's Fort Myers (Wednesdays)

Wed January 8 - Thu January 9 Fort Myers, FL 33912 US Directions


Free Agent

6:30PM EST - 12:00AM EST


9520 Market Place rd
Fort Myers, FL US 33912


Teams of 2 for all levels. We have begginer to advanced mixed all over this league but we all agree that having a great time and making new friends is what really makes this league. 

What is included?

 - 7 Weeks of league play with the top 8 teams in the league going to the 8th week championship

 - Team Doogie shirt (you can choose your shirt color until 12/15/2019)

 - Exclusive discounts just for us: 75 cent boneless wings or peel n eat shrimp, $7 domestic draft pitchers, $5 double Captain Morgan, Smirnoff (multiple flavors) and jim Beam, $5 Vodka wells

 - Music

 - A relaxed great time making new friends!

Each team will have at least one match or more (best 2 out of 3 games) every week.  

Game nights start at 6:30pm. Dates: 01/08 - 01/15 - 01/22 - 01/29 - 02/05 - 02/12 - 02/19 - Championship round 02/26


Cornhole Contact Info

If you have any questions about this Cornhole, click the button below.

Cornhole Rules

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.



Cornhole Survey

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