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The Gingerbread Gallop

Sat December 15, 2018 Gainesville, FL 32606 US Directions


4100 NW 115 Terrace
Gainesville, FL US 32606


Get into the holiday spirit with this Christmas themed 5K and 1 miler presented by the Wolves Runners at St. Francis Academy. Runners will be dashing through...well maybe not the snow, but beautiful trails that surround the school. This challenging course offers a variety of terrain that will challenge trail runners and road racers alike. Runners will also get to enjoy miles of Christmas cheer. The Kids Gingerbread Chase will allow the kids to chase a real Gingerbread man! Make sure to come decked out in your best Christmas gear! There will be a costume contest and the best 3 will get prizes! At our 5k we offer you Christmas Cheer, shirts made by students, amazing baked goods from our Gainesville community, and the chance to give kids an amazing summer. Upon registration runners will receive a shirt, racer finisher gingerbread ornament, and post race festivities (more details below). Proceeds will be going towards Camp I am Special and the St. Francis Wolves Running Program.

Camp I am Special

Camp I am Special is an overnight summer camp located in St. Johns that provides a safe and fun environment for kids with special needs. Our school was introduced to this summer camp through former student Brian Byrne, who was the founder of the Gingerbread Gallop 5k. Brian worked and volunteered at this camp for the past 2-3 summers and has shared his love for these kids with us!

**ATTENTION** for all volunteers please click the link below to sign up 


December 15, 2018


8:10am- Registration

9:00am- Kids Gingerbread Chase 1 miler ( 6 and under are free)-  racers will be racing in a mini loop on the trail.

9:30am- Gingerbread Gallop 5k

10:45- Awards Ceremony (Includes top three male and female races, costume contest winners)

11:00am-12:00pm- Post Race Festivities:

 **Refreshments will be on hand and various baked goods etc. can be purchased as well. The trail and grounds will be decked out in a winter wonderland that can be explored during or after the 5k is completed.  

Post Race Festivities:

At the Gingerbread Gallop we offer baked goods and Christmas Treats donated and made by our very own students, faculty, and parents! After the Race we will announce the tope three male and female participants. The top three will get a medal, while other racers will get Gingerbread Man ornaments! In the Kids 1 Mile everyone will receive ornaments. After race awards are given out we will have the Costume Contest, this includes ugly sweaters, Santa, elves, anything you can think of! Many of our students will be running the race as well, and volunteering throughout the day! 


Gingerbread Gallop 5K (with purchased shirt)- $30

Gingerbread Gallop 5K- $25

Kids Gingerbread Chase 1 miler- $15

**Those registering day of race may miss out in receiving a shirt, depending on supply.


Race Contact Info

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