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Veterans United Craft Armed Forces Day 5k Race

TBD Jacksonville, FL 32256 US Directions


5k Run

9:00AM EDT

Race Has Been Postponed

New Date: TBD

Your safety is the most important thing to us,  We wish we could have continued with this race this weekend however it will be forced to postpone.  We hope to have a rescheduled date within the next few weeks.  We apologize for this inconvenience.

Here Are Your Options:

Virtual races happen all the time, and allow you to join the fun without the crowds. You simply run the distance on your own, and report your results - we’ll send you instructions.


Veteran's United Craft Brewery
8999 Western Way #104,
Jacksonville, FL US 32256


Celebrate with the Veteran's United Brewery Armed Forces 5k / 1 mile fun run

Price for 5k -  just $25 for the first 30 people that register, participants numbered 31-50 $30, participants numbered 51 - 1000 people $35

Proceeds of the race go to Patriot Service Dogs which is a local charity that helps the disabled military community partner with well trained service dog.   

This always fun event includes: 

  • Freshly Brewed Veteran's United Craft Pint of Beer
  • Florida Race Day Pint Glass
  • Florida Race Day Sports Bottle 
  • Professionally Chip timed 5k race or 1 mile fun run/walk
  • Bib number
  • 5k finishers medal
  • Door Prizes

Packet pickup is between 8:00-8:45 am at the race location race morning  

5K Awards will be based on time male and female.  19 and under , 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, and 60 plus.

We also looking for a couple of volunteers - you will get a free race entry into one of our events and a beer - please sign up at the volunteer tab

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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