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Leukemia Bone Marrow Race

Sat November 7, 2015 Miami, FL 33196 US Directions


Leukemia Race

9:00AM EST


12541 SW 184th Street
Miami, FL US 33196


8th annual Barbara Gordon Leukemia Bone Marrow 5K Race for Awareness

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Teams comprising 20 or more runners and walkers are elligible to nominate a 501(C) 3 charity for a grant.  The BGLBMA will pay a grant to the 501 (C) # charity nominated by the team.  The grant amount will be 25% of the total registration fees paid by team members.

Discounts apply for students under 18 years old with coupon code.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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