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Masters of All Terrain HURRICANE SEASON!! Virtual Run

Mon June 15 - Fri July 31 Orlando, FL 32822 US Directions

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


815 Brevard Court
Orlando, FL US 32822


Well everyone, Hurricane Season has officially begun!  Nothing like life threatening storms to add to our wild fires, pandemic and civil unrest.  We are celebrating the fact that we still cannot host live events by helping you stay motivated on your own turf!  We expect that it will cover... all terrains:) 

The categories:

THE TROPICAL STORM:   Tropical Storm wind speeds start at 39 miles per hour - so in this group, you'll have to run 39 miles per 6 weeks (which is much much slower, to account for your size difference to a hurricane). 

THE CATEGORY 5: A Category 5 Hurricane brings sustained winds of 157 miles per hour!! In this group, you will run a minimum of 157 miles from June 15th to July 31st, a "hurriculean feat!"

You will submit your miles on run signup, a link will be emailed to you, and spread across social media often so you dont lose track of it, and we will keep track of your miles LIVE so you can see how you stack up against your fellow runners! 

If you're local to Florida, we will have (mostly) weekly meetups for race pics at different parks around Central Florida. 

Race Contact Info

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